Technical requirements

Before start the installation, be sure, your systems should meet the following requirements.

Server Requirement

  • PHP 5.6+
  • MySQL 5.6+
  • Apache 2.0+

Browser Requirements

  • Firefox 20+
  • Safari 8+
  • Google Chrome 30+
  • Opera 12+

Configuration Options

We reccomend to use the following servers in your PC to develop your site.

  • LAMP (Linux)
  • WAMP (Windows)
  • MAMP (Macintosh)
  • XAMPP (Multi-platform)


What is the difference between Quick Start package and single Theme installation?

Installing Quick Start package you get the same site as at the demo version. Quick Start package contains an entire WordPress installation and already configured WordPress Theme and extensions which we used on the demo site. Installing WordPress Theme via Extension manager doesn't include sample date. You will need by your self to install and configure all extensions.

Install WordPress theme PERSONALITY

After downloading the theme, navigate to Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload, in your WordPress dashboard. Now, click the Choose File button, select the archive of your theme from your local computer and press theInstall Now button.

In few seconds, WordPress will upload and extract the theme archive for you. All you need to do next is to press the Activate link under the message for successful theme installation.

Update theme PERSONALITY to PRO

For update from FREE theme to PRO you need install plugins, import XML file and install widgets. 1 Step - it is installation of plugins. 2 Step - import XML file. 3 - installation of widgets. All plugins, XML file and widgets placed in package.

After you have purchased a theme, please unzip package. You will get folders with theme, plugins, XML file and widgets. If you install theme before, you do not need install it again. Please, start with installation plugins.

Customization PERSONALITY PRO theme

You must install all requires plugins

Next step import XML and widgets

Admin Panel > Tools > Import > WordPress > install Now

After install press to run importer

Press "Choose file" and select file.xml in unzip package, directory /Import/XML

Press "Uploud and import"

Check "Download and import file attachments" and Submit

All done

Admin Panel > Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter

Press "Choose file" and select file.wie in unzip package, directory /Import/Widgets

"Import Widgets"

Go to Widgets

Delete Widgets: Recent Comments, Meta, Recent Posts

Select "Show on shecked pages" and check "Front", "Home" and "Save"

Admin Panel > Apperance > Menu

Select "Navigation menu" and press "Save"

All DONE!!!

GO to frontend

Quickstart Package Installation

In All WordPress Themes packages created by OrdaSoft you can find Quickstart Package. Quickstart Package allow you to install WordPress Theme with demo data in few clicks. We highly recommend this method of WordPress installation

1. Uploading on server

Through FileZilla or another FTP software, upload all files (zip archive and installer.php) from QuickStart Package folder to your website directory.
In the directory should be one zip archive and one file installer.php

2. Run the WordPress Installation Wizard

Open your web browser and go to the folder that you uploaded your QuickStart Package and enter the installer.php

Enter your details and click button "Run Deployment"


MySQL Server Action:
'Create New' will attempt to create a new database if it does not exist. This option will not work on many hosting providers. If the database does not exist then you will need to login to your control panel and create the database. If 'Connect and Remove All Data' is checked this will DELETE all tables in the database you are connecting to as the Duplicator requires a blank database. Please make sure you have backups of all your data before using an portion of the installer, as this option WILL remove all data. Please contact your server administrator for more details.

The name of the host server that the database resides on. Many times this will be localhost, however each hosting provider will have it's own naming convention please check with your server administrator.

The name of a MySQL database server user. This is special account that has privileges to access a database and can read from or write to that database. This is not the same thing as your WordPress administrator account

The password of the MySQL database server user.

The name of the database to which this installation will connect and install the new tables onto.

Advanced Options Manual Package Extraction:
This allows you to manually extract the zip archive on your own. This can be useful if your system does not have the ZipArchive support enabled.

Enforce SSL on Admin:
Turn off SSL support for WordPress. This sets FORCE_SSL_ADMIN in your wp-config file to false if true, otherwise it will create the setting if not set.

Enforce SSL on Login:
Turn off SSL support for WordPress Logins. This sets FORCE_SSL_LOGIN in your wp-config file to false if true, otherwise it will create the setting if not set.

Keep Cache Enabled:
Turn off Cache support for WordPress. This sets WP_CACHE in your wp-config file to false if true, otherwise it will create the setting if not set.

Keep Cache Home Path:
This sets WPCACHEHOME in your wp-config file to nothing if true, otherwise nothing is changed.

Fix non-breaking space characters:
The process will remove utf8 characters represented as 'xC2' 'xA0' and replace with a uniform space. Use this option if you find strange question marks in you posts

MySQL Charset & MySQL Collation:
When the database is populated from the SQL script it will use this value as part of its connection. Only change this value if you know what your databases character set should be.

3. Update Settings


Settings New Settings:
These are the new values (URL, Path and Title) you can update for the new location at which your site will be installed at.

New Admin Account Login and password default (login - admin; password - admin)

The new username to create. This will create a new WordPress administrator account. Please note that usernames are not changeable from the within the UI.

The new password for the user.

Advanced Options Site URL:
For details see WordPress Site URL & Alternate Directory. If you're not sure about this value then leave it the same as the new settings URL.

4. Finish

Congratulation, WordPress! is now installed! The last step needed is to remove the installation directory! Go to your web site.

Final Steps Resave Permalinks
Re-saving your perma-links will reconfigure your .htaccess file to match the correct path on your server. This step requires logging back into the WordPress administrator.

Delete Installer Files
When you're completed with the installation please delete all installer files. Leaving these files on your server can impose a security risk!

Test Entire Site
After the install is complete run through your entire site and test all pages and posts.

View Install Report
The install report is designed to give you a synopsis of the possible errors and warnings that may exist after the installation is completed.

Home page settings

Admin Panel > Apperance > Customize > Home

QuickStart & Theme by OrdaSoft contains:


Contact form




Wordfence Security

Easy FancyBox

Google Maps

Settings Theme & QuickStart by OrdaSoft

You can customize the header, footer, home page, fonts, links etc., via Theme admin area.

Go to Admin Panel > Apperance > Customize

In Customize Panel you will see next settings:

  • General Settings

    1. Background Color
    2. Background image
    3. Body Font
    4. Body font size
    5. Replace text in button "Read Now"
    6. Custom CSS
    7. Google Analytics
  • Header

    1. Header layout for Home page
    2. Header layout for Other page
    3. Header title
    4. Current header
  • Site Identity

    1. Logo
    2. Site Title
    3. Tagline
    4. Display Site Title and Tagline
    5. Site Icon
  • Home Page Settings

    1. Home page blog title
    2. Shop section on home page show or hide
    3. Home page shop section title
    4. Shop section show products
    5. Products column
    6. Content section on home page show or hide
    7. Any section on home page show or hide
    8. Home page any section title
    9. Home page any section insert shortcode
  • Social Links

    1. Social icon size
    2. Social Icons Color
    3. Social Icons Color Hover
    4. Facebook link
    5. Soundcloud link
    6. Twitter link
    7. Skype link
    8. Dribbble link
    9. Google link
    10. Vimeo link link
    11. Flickr link
    12. Youtube play link
    13. Instagram link
    14. Linkendin link
  • Tipography

    1. H1 color
    2. H2
    3. H2 color
    4. H3
    5. H3 color
    6. H4
    7. H4 color
    8. H5
    9. H5 color
    10. H6
    11. H6 color
    12. Abel, sans-serif
    13. Comfortaa
    14. Dosis, sans-serif
    15. Droid Sans, sans-serif
    16. Francois One, sans-serif
    17. Lato, sans-serif
    18. Lobster, sans-serif
    19. Lora,sans-serif
    20. Open Sans Condensed, sans-serif
    21. Open Sans, sans-serif
    22. Oswald, sans-serif
    23. Oxygen, sans-serif
    24. PT Sans Narrow, sans-serif
    25. PT Sans
    26. Prosto One, cursive
    27. Quicksand, sans-serif
    28. Raleway
    29. Roboto Condensed, sans-serif
    30. Roboto, sans-serif
    31. Roboto Slab
    32. Share, cursive
    33. Source Sans Pro, sans-serif
    34. Ubuntu Condensed, sans-serif
    35. Ubuntu, sans-serif
  • Footer Settings

    1. Footer background color
    2. Сopyright text
    3. Сopyright link
    4. Сopyright font
    5. Сopyright font size
    6. Сopyright font color
    7. Сopyright font color hover
    8. Сopyright link underline
    9. Сopyright link underline hover
  • Menus

    1. Menu Font
    2. Font size
    3. Margin menu item
    4. Font Color
    5. Hover Color
    6. Sub menu font Color
    7. Sub menu hover color
    8. Menu link underline
    9. Links underline hover

Home Page

Block "Your Life in Focus" can be configured from Admin Area > Appearance > Customize > Header

Block "What we do" can be configured from Admin Area > Pages > Home — Front Page > What we do.

Blog Section

Blog can be configured from Admin Panel > Posts. You can edit posts: "Open your world", "Different world" "Enjoy it" or add your own.

Enter title and text, select format and select featured image, press publish for your new post

Add New Gallery and mamage OUR WORKS

Go to Admin Panel > Gallery > Add New

Enter title and text, select format and select featured image, press publish

Woocommerce Shop and WE CAN BUY section

To manage Shop go to Admin Panel > Products > Add new

Contact Form

To manage Contact Form go to Admin Panel > Apperance > Widgets

Add New Page

Go to Admin Panel > Pages > Add New

Enter title and text,select format and select featured image, press publish


Support of all Themes is carried out on OrdaSoft forum

Created: 2016/12/07

  • latest Update: 2021/09/16
  • By OrdaSoft