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Pre Sale question: System requirements (0 viewing) 

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Pre Sale question: System requirements

azdora (User)
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Pre Sale question: System requirements 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0  
i havent found any information about requirements.
Before buy Commercial SEF i need more informations to avoid bad surprises....

I'm using joomla 2.5.19 and K2 2.6.7.
php 5.2

SEF Translate will work at its best in this environnement?
Need other devices like ionCube loader? If yes what?

Awaitng your answer before buy, because our hosting service is not flexible and block some extension (like ionCube).
There's no problem with K2?

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admin (Admin)
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Re:Pre Sale question: System requirements 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 102  

SefTranslate work not with extensions, it work with ready end HTML what appear after all components.

Before no body not complain for use sefTranslate with K2

OrdaSoft team
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azdora (User)
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Re:Pre Sale question: System requirements 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0  
there's a BIG Problem!!!
Our hosting service don't support SOAP.

I've asked about this.
Your answer was "SefTranslate work not with extensions, it work with ready end HTML what appear after all components."
That's not true.
On your answer we bought SEF Translate Commercial, and now we can do nothing........
Please, give me a solution ASAP, we don't need instant translation (easy and free of charge), we need a redirect translation with map, url's, keyword translated for Search Engine in some languages...

Awaiting your answer.....

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admin (Admin)
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Re:Pre Sale question: System requirements 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 102  

"SefTranslate work not with extensions, it work with ready end HTML what appear after all components."

So we not depend what component and module you use, Seftransalet take end site HTML and translate it, if your site with help aJax will change that HTML, we not translate it, because it was created(updated) after completed page

But for SefTranslate work need some PHP, HTTPD server - extensions
We try show that at sef translate product details page. ordasoft.com/Shop/OrdaSoft/SefTranslate/...2.1/flypage.tpl.html
Now that: PHP5 with CURL, SOAP, mod_rewrite, MBSTRING

Soap - need for BING translate API, Google translate api work without SOAP
work with

OrdaSoft team
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azdora (User)
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Re:Pre Sale question: System requirements 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0  
admin wrote:

"SefTranslate work not with extensions, it work with ready end HTML what appear after all components."

So we not depend what component and module you use, Seftransalet take end site HTML and translate it, if your site with help aJax will change that HTML, we not translate it, because it was created(updated) after completed page

But for SefTranslate work need some PHP, HTTPD server - extensions
We try show that at sef translate product details page. ordasoft.com/Shop/OrdaSoft/SefTranslate/...2.1/flypage.tpl.html
Now that: PHP5 with CURL, SOAP, mod_rewrite, MBSTRING

Soap - need for BING translate API, Google translate api work without SOAP
work with

OrdaSoft team

but if i ask you "Need other devices like ionCube loader? If yes what?", why don'say me this o link a page....?
I asked to my hosting service and i dont buy anything....

Ad now you say that with google API i got no problem (no soap or other requirement?).
I dont wont waste other money (you know google is pay service...), i ask this because the "fatal error" comes with the xmap, when i tried to add first traslation language to the map......
Give me some concrete issues for keep trust SEF Translate.....
Waiting with big hopes....
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Pre Sale question: System requirements 11 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 102  
Hi Giovanni,

but if i ask you "Need other devices like ionCube loader? If yes what?", why don'say me this o link a page....?

I am sorry, we misunderstand you, when you asked about "ionCube loader" for us that call as "do encoded component or not ?"
and we not depend from ionCube.

also yu asked about K2 so that point us also asked attention.

and in self product page we have cation about required

Google may work through Curl but now they nothing said about any requirements

as me seam SOAP - support all popular host companies, please write to self site support

With xmap, please show what error you have

OrdaSoft team
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