OrdaSoft Wordpress Themes

become more dynamic and easy!

Wordpress Themes from OrdaSoft become more dynamic and easy! The key of success are Widgets and a lot of positions for Widgets in admin area of OrdaSoft Wordpress Themes.

In standard Wordpress Themes you can see Widgets - the function blocks, that can be placed in the few sidebars (column). The number of available sidebars, and positions for Widgets limited.

Wordpress Theme

Now Go to Ordasoft Wordpress theme admin panel and go to the "Appearance" - "Widgets". In the center of the page shows all the currently available widgets, and right - used in the sidebars. We have created a large number positions for Widgets, that can help you in just a few minutes to create your dynamic and bright site. In all our wordpress business themes you can see the new possibilities of using Widgets and sidebars.

Ordasoft wordpress themes

Let's see how it works. So the first thing we need to do, is go to the "Console wordpress" -> "Appearance" -> "Widgets" in front of us opens a window with the available wordpress widgets. View of the panel "Widgets" in different versions of wordpress can vary, but the essence is the same everywhere. On the right side of the tab widget is an area to add the widget, in other words by dragging widgets to this area, we just form the sidebar. In OrdaSoft Wordpress Themes - there are huge number of places, where you can drag and drop widgets. We'll take our new plugin OS Social Icons and put in any position, that we like in one page wordpress theme - BizOne. This can be done with others Widgets and you can put in any positions, and in any wordpress business themes from OrdaSoft.

OS Social Icons

After we have selected the color for social icons, color hover and size (px), we can bring our widget on the frontend. Simple plugin OS Social Icons, which easy to customize, drag-and-drop, a lot of positions for Widgets - keys of lightness and dynamic. You can use any others plugins and install in any position. You can change the theme to suit your needs quickly and easily. We made Wordpress Themes more dynamic and easy.

wordpress business theme

Look at all OrdaSoft Wordpress Themes
