16. Export product from MediaLibrary to Virtuemart

In this article we will look at the option to add product in Medias Manager in MediaLibrary 3.5.x Shop.

Export product from MediaLibrary to Virtuemart

In the Admin backend, go to Components -> MediaLibrary -> Media.

In the Media Manager select one or multiple Medias (checkmarks in front of the titles) which you want to export to Vertuemart. Then click the [Add Product] button on the top right. This will export products form MediaLibrary to Virtuemart.

MediaLibrary create product from media

After you press [Add Product] you will move from MediaLibrary Software to VirtueMart. There you will can edit product. Category where will created product – you set in MediaLibrary Setting. MedialLibrary - product edit

After in Local Shop product was created you will see in column ID for VM - ID for that product. If you click to that ID – you will go to the Product properties for edit.

Medialibrary - after product add

For remove product from Local shop (VirtueMart) you can also check product you want delete and press button [Delete Products].
