In this article we will look at the option to add product in Medias Manager in MediaLibrary 3.5.x Shop.
In the Admin backend, go to Components -> MediaLibrary -> Media.
In the Media Manager select one or multiple Medias (checkmarks in front of the titles) which you want to export to Vertuemart. Then click the [Add Product] button on the top right. This will export products form MediaLibrary to Virtuemart.
After you press [Add Product] you will move from MediaLibrary Software to VirtueMart. There you will can edit product. Category where will created product – you set in MediaLibrary Setting.
After in Local Shop product was created you will see in column ID for VM - ID for that product. If you click to that ID – you will go to the Product properties for edit.
For remove product from Local shop (VirtueMart) you can also check product you want delete and press button [Delete Products].