1. Log in to your hosting control panel. Look for the "MySQL Databases" or "Database" section.
2. Create a database.
3. Create user for the database.
4. Add user to the database.
5. Add to user all privileges to database.
1. Look for the "database wizard" in "MySQL Databases" or "Database" section.
2. Next steps the same as in "Method 1" .
1. Look for the phpMyAdmin in "MySQL Databases" or "Database" section.
2.1 Create a new database, step 1.
2.2 Create a new database, step 2.
3.1 Database user create, step 1.
3.2 Database user create, step 2.
3.3 Database user create, step 3.
Go to PhpMyAdmin. Don't select any Database at right sidebar, go to SQL tab instead. Add this code:
CREATE DATABASE joomla_test;
CREATE USER 'joomla_test_user'@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'joomla_test_user_pass'; GRANT ALL ON joomla_test.* TO 'joomla_test_user'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
joomla_test - your database name
joomla_test_user - your database user name
joomla_test_user_pass - your database password for user name
1. Login to your hosting using any SSH client. Under windows this may be "putty", under Linux, Unix and Mac - the SSH client build in in core. Run any terminal or Console and type there:
ssh your_host_user@your_website_name
Type "yes" - for sertificate access check, Type: password to your host.
2. When you login to your hosting with help any SSH client. Type here:
mysql -u root
Because you access to ssh as root, you son't need to insert any password.
3. Create your database and user. Type:
CREATE DATABASE joomla_test; CREATE USER 'joomla_test_user'@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'joomla_test_user_pass'; GRANT ALL ON joomla_test.* TO 'joomla_test_user'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
joomla_test - your database name
joomla_test_user - your database user name
joomla_test_user_pass - your database password for user name