Joomla Membership

last update: March 2025

Joomla 3.9.x - Joomla 4.x - Joomla 5.x


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Joomla Membership
ecommerce connection Joomla membership website software via PayPal, Stripe and 2CheckOut

Create and Sell Joomla membership website software (via PayPal, Stripe and 2CheckOut)

Joomla Membership enables to create, manage and sell (via PayPal, Stripe and 2CheckOut) subscriptions, allows selected users to see premium content. Content will be displayed to users after purchase a subscription.

Subscription plans (pricing tables html css)

Joomla membership site software includes 15 different layouts for showing pricing and packages of your services or creating amazing subscription plan for your users. In Membership site software responsive pricing tables HTML CSS come with a lot of parameters to change font, colour, links, etc. Download FREE 3 columns Pricing Table or get 15 awesome Subscription plans - responsive pricing tables html css in Pro Joomla Membership package.

responsive pricing tables html css in Membership site software
Email notifications in membership site software

Get Email Notifications

Joomla Membership supports user and admin email notifications. Users and admin get messages about account creation, approving or disapproving. You are able to set the message text and it will be sent automatically.

Set expiration time of memberships

In Membership website software you can easily set expiration time of memberships - 5, 10, 30, 60, 90, 180 or 360 days. After the expiry of the subscription, the user will be automatically excluded from the membership list.

Expiration time of memberships in joomla membership website software
Multigroup subscribe in joomla membership website software

Multigroup subscribtion

In Joomla Membership admin can create unlimited number of membership listings. One user can subscribe to several groups (membership listings).

Login via Facebook & login via Gmail accounts

Everybody uses a variety of social networks every day: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and others. So we thought why not make your login form more convenient and fast for your customers? Joomla Membership allows to use the most popular social network Facebook and the most popular email system Gmail. If you are a Facebook or Gmail user, you can sign in with your accounts. For this, your users need to login via Facebook or login via Gmail and go to your website without any problems. It will simplify the life of your users and save their time!

Expiration time of memberships in membership website software
Login form with Captcha in Joomla membership

Login form with Captcha

In Joomla Membership site software we have implemented a Captcha for protect against spammers. Use the Captcha in the login form for greater reliability. This will protect you from unwanted users, robots and will not increase the size of the database. You will rarely have to clean the database of your users. It can be disabled/enabled in the module settings.

Modal login in Membership website software

In the new version of Membership website software, we added the ability to select the display of the login form: by default (as before) and in the pop-up (Modal snippet). The modal login window can be styled for any website design with the help of CSS. So, pop up login form is very convenient and now our functionality can be entered into any functional.

Expiration time of memberships in Joomla membership
Joomla Membership site software with possibility Messaging between users

Messaging between users

In Joomla Membership - Membership site software you can send messages to users and receive messages from them. This is very especially on advertisement sites. Also using messaging between users you can create a small professional community based on what you do: the community of real estate agents, cars, books, media products, etc. All messages will be displayed in the tab "SMS messages".

Support OrdaSoft Joomla extensions

All Ordasoft Joomla extensions work well with each other. Joomla membership website software supports Real Estate Manager - property management listing software, Vehicle Manager - Joomla car rental software, Joomla eBook software - Book Library, Media Library - Joomla extension and website builder Joomla - CCK.

Joomla membership support OrdaSoft Joomla extensions

Main features of Membership website software

Single click installation
Integrated with PayPal, Stripe and 2CheckOut payment gateways. Thanks to this, it is possible to receive payments using Debit / Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard..).
Recurring payments. You can set up recurring payments for membership from users. For example: every month or every year.
Flexible backend dashboard
Users profile system
Show joomla sustom fields in Profile Module
Synchronize Joomla users and Joomla membership users
Subscription plans (Joomla pricing tables) included
Order details with payment notifications
Login by Facebook
Login by Gmail
Captcha in Login form
Pop-up Login form
Create subscription groups (plans)
Possibility edit/manage membership listings (set title, price, currency, way how approved group)
Possibility add group or plan which subscriptions will be expired after certain time (days, weeks, months, years)
Possibility approve/disapprove users
Options for set expiration time of memberships - 5, 10, 30, 60, 90, 180, 360 or any other days
Subscription plans (Joomla pricing tables) included
Subscription plans (Joomla pricing tables)
15 Awesome Joomla Pricing Tables included
Different custom HTML layouts available to display subscription plans
Possibility to create unlimited number of Subscription plans (Joomla pricing tables)
Possibility to change color, size, fonts of Subscription plans (Joomla pricing tables)
Built-in Editing Profile feature
Subscribers can access to his profile page and edit his profile
Synchronize data with Joomla user profile
Emails Notification System
Users and administrator get messages about account creation, approving or disapprovin
Possibility set the text of notification emails
Messaging between users
Send email message before account expire
Back-end Management
Flexible configuration
Create and manage subscription plans
Manage subscribers (create, edit, delete, approve subscriber)
Change, customize messages / email messages
Possibility set Black List for IPs
Possibility set Black List for email addresses
Manage order information

Modules & Plugins of Joomla membership website software


Joomla membership website software Package includes Login module, Last online users module, User profile module, Authentication plugin and Get my books plugin. Install it as Joomla extension via Extension Manager at once.

PayPal, Stripe and 2CheckOut plugins for Joomla membership

PayPal, Stripe and 2CheckOut plugins for Joomla Membership (Pro)

Paypal and 2CheckOut plugins enables to implement function of selling subscriptions and memberships in Joomla Membership component. Thanks to this, it is possible to receive payments using Debit / Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard..). PayPal, Stripe and 2CheckOut plugins is available only in PRO version of Joomla Membership.

Module last online users for Joomla Membership

Module last online users for Joomla Membership (Free)

Module last online users enables to show last online users on your website. You can specify number of user, which will be shown, orientation (horizontal or vertical), also you can hide or show profile's images and specify Width and Height of them.

Module login for joomla membership

Module login for Joomla Membership (Free)

This Joomla module enables to create login form for users. Module login for Simple Membership It has following features: you can specify module class suffix, write pre-text and post-text, specify login and logout redirect pages, show greeting or not, choose name of username of user and specify account maintenance link.

Also, your users will can login by Facebook and Gmail accounts. It will simplify the lives of your users;

To protect against spam, use Captcha. It can be disabled/enabled in the module settings.

Pop-up Login form. You can choose displaying of the login form: by default and in the pop-up (Modal snippet). It is very convenient and now our functionality can be entered into any functional.

Module user profile for Joomla Membership

Module user profile for Joomla Membership (Free)

Module user profile helps to show user profile in Real Estate Manager, Vehicle Manager, Book Library and Media Library. You can show fields in vertical or horizontal orientation.

Messaging between users. You can send messages to users and receive messages from them. This is very especially on advertisement sites. All messages will be displayed in the tab "SMS messages".

Authentication plugin for Membership website software

Authentication plugin for Membership website software (Free)

Authentication plugin helps to connect default Joomla authentication and authentication of Joomla Membership.

Get my books plugin for Joomla Membership

Get my books plugin for Joomla Membership (Free)

Get my books plugin helps to show the books (Joomla eBook software) that belongs to certain author. Also such plugin is available for houses (Real Estate manager - Property management listing software), medias (Media Library) and vehicles (Vehicle Manager - Car rental software). And now Joomla Membership CCK Joomla CCK.

Membership site Software Documentation


1. How To Install Joomla Membership How To Install Joomla Membership

2. How to create new subscription group in Joomla Membership How to create new subscription group

3. Management rights of users and access permissions in joomla membership website software

4. How to Synchronize Joomla Users with Joomla Membership

5. Settings of Joomla Membership

6. How to choose subscription plan joomla (pricing table html css) in Membership Website Software

7. How to create subscription plan in Joomla membership

8. How to create responsive pricing table html css in Membership website software?

9. How to configure Joomla pricing table (subscription plan) for your Joomla website?

10. How to show users from some Joomla Users group for your Joomla website

11. Joomla membership, joomla user profile, how add field to joomla user

Joomla Membership

Select your version of membership website software

  • Allow to create/edit/manage membership listings
  • Connect with Joomla default groups
  • Synchronize Users
  • Manage/edit users
  • Possibility approve/disapprove users
  • Email Notifications
  • 1 Joomla Pricing Table
Basic Features
  • Set expiration time for groups
  • Integrated with PayPal
  • Integrated with 2CheckOut
  • PRO modules & plugins
  • 15 Joomla Pricing Tables
