Details for Plugin Media Library Meta Tags Free
SEO Meta Tags plugin for Media Library
SEO Meta Tags plugin for Media Library - free Media library software for download and available in Joomla . This best SEO (search Engine optimization) and SEM (Search engine marketing) tool for Media library software useful for librerian.
This extension file for sh404SEF (sh404SEF native plugin) enables generation of Search Engine Friendly titles amd meta tags(meta keywords and meta descriptions) for free software Media Library. Automatically generated Title and meta keywords and meta descriptions for every Media(book, music, game, ebook, video) are composed from the media categories and Media titles.
Media Library is free for download software component for Joomla CMS allows you to manage and maintain a Media library, ebook catalog or book (music, game, ebook, video) collection (you can make public libraries and post pdf books, ebooks) with ease on a Joomla based website. Shows caption, cover and title.
Joomla 3.x, PHP5, Media Library 4.x, sh404SEF 1.0.7
* Now using FTP or similar, drop the file com_medialibary.php into that meta_ext directory
* you may upload this file to /components/com_sh404sef/meta_ext folder
* Now you have very nice SEF Titles and meta keywords and meta descriptions for every media (book, video, music, game) for MediaLibary software in the frontend.