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Book page SEO (title, meta keywords, desc) (0 viewing) 

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Book page SEO (title, meta keywords, desc)

Paragp (Visitor)
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Book page SEO (title, meta keywords, desc) 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hello team,

I took a random look at a book page (URL below) from my library and curiously checked the page source to find that the SEO Title tag has book category name and not the book title. And likewise for the keywords, desc which is not reflective of book details.


What can be done to ensure that:
title tag has book name,
keyword tag has book name, category, and
meta desc tag has book name, category, website domain name ?

Having pages seo tuned is vital for appearing in search engine. Am i doing anything wrong?

Please guide.

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Taras (User)
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Re:Book page SEO (title, meta keywords, desc) 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 58  
Dear Parag,

You can change it using Sh404SEF plugin. Book Library Sh404SEF plugin is SEO plugin based on sh404SEF component. It generates SEF (search engine friendly) URLs, which are readable for users and useful for SEO.


(tab Modules and Plugins)

Sincerely Yours
OrdaSoft team
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Paragp (Visitor)
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Re:Book page SEO (title, meta keywords, desc) 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Thank you Taras. Ok, so i tried installing the plugin and it gave the following warning message:
JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file

Is this an issue or i can safely ignore it?

Thanks & Regards,
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Taras (User)
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Re:Book page SEO (title, meta keywords, desc) 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 58  
Dear Parag,

Please, follow our instructions:


In the folder /components/com_bookLibary create a subfolder sef_ext, like this: /components/com_bookLibary/sef_ext
Now using FTP or similar, drop the file com_bookLibary.php into that sef_ext directory

Next, in the sh404SEF control panel, go to the [By Component] tab
Set bookLibary to [Do not override]
Now you have very nice SEF URL's for bookLibary in the frontend.

Best Regards,
OrdaSoft team
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Paragp (Visitor)
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Re:Book page SEO (title, meta keywords, desc) 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hello Taras,

Thanks. I have successfully ftped the file as requested but am not able to find the control panel area you are pointing to.

Next, in the sh404SEF control panel, go to the [By Component] tab
Set bookLibary to [Do not override]

Under Plugins manager i can see System - SEF and which asks to enter Site Domain and which i have configured as well.
Pls see attached.

Sorry. Would appreciate futher clarification please.

thanks & regards,
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Taras (User)
Platinum Boarder
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Re:Book page SEO (title, meta keywords, desc) 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 58  
Dear Parag,

Last steps not important - "In the sh404SEF control panel, go to the [By Component] tab
Set bookLibary to [Do not override]."

Plugin will works if you have made two things:

1) You installed SH404SEF component

2) In Joomla Global Configuration set in SEO Search Engine Friendly URLs - NO and in sh404SEF component set Enable URL optimization - YES.

So, after that you will have such URL for example for alone category

instead localhost/~taras/joomla/index.php?option=com_booklibrary&task=showCategory&catid=49&Itemid=357

Move in this way, please.
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Last Edit: 2015/09/16 06:49 By Taras.
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