Sorry not full understand what you means.
Do you mean show in Book Library not "download ebook", but show real link to file ?
If so you need go to
{yours host}/components/com_booklibrary/booklibrary.html.php
Code: |
<td align="right" >
<strong><?php echo _BOOKLIBRARY_LABEL_EBOOK; ?>: </strong>
<td align ="left">
<a href="<?php echo sefRelToAbs('index.php?option=com_booklibrary&task=mdownload&id='. $book->id); ?>" target="blank">
and change it to
Code: |
<td align="right" >
<strong><?php echo _BOOKLIBRARY_LABEL_EBOOK; ?>: </strong>
<td align ="left">
<a href="<?php echo $book->ebookURL ; ?>" target="blank">
<?php echo $book->ebookURL;?>
But you must understand not all browsers/ https servers correct support direct links to file.
OrdaSoft team