hello dear andrew halllo all!!
well see the site
literaturen.org/ -
it is interesting and fascinating that you have
a. some books that have some review texts and some
b. dont have these texts.
Well i wonder why this happens - I guess that in earlier times the aws - (amazon Web-Services ) provided these featurtes and
options to feed the data -
unfortunatley now aday - this is not possible in every case. in other wods - we are not able to have reveiws from amazon
for each book
What do you think!? LET us figure out - if this is correct - or (even better) if we are able to get review-Texts for all books
@ Andew i send you the login data.-
Above all - keep up this great superb project - it rocks and you have friends all over the planet!
Many many greetings
martin aka firstuser