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ISBN-10 from front end

scooksley (User)
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ISBN-10 from front end 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi there

Have installed the excellent pro version for a new site I'm developing, and it's 99% working really well.

One issue I have, when showing another administrator how to enter a new book from the front end, is that occassionally when they copy and paste the ISDN-10 number from Amazon to the new book form, if they copy the number and it has a space at the end (which can happen when you're copying sometimes) it will not find the information.

Is there anyway I can hack the form component so it does not allow any more than ten characters?


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admin (Admin)
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Re:ISBN-10 from front end 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 102  
Hi Steve,

error with whit sign - you may resolve add: trim function to SaveBook function in files:
{yours site}/administrator/components/com_booklibrary/admin.booklibrary.php
{yours site}/components/com_booklibrary/booklibrary.php

replace code:

//fetch all information from the webservices if necessary
  $book = mosBooklibraryWS :: fetchInfos($book);

to code:


$book->isbn = trim($book->isbn);
//fetch all information from the webservices if necessary
  $book = mosBooklibraryWS :: fetchInfos($book);

you not need limit ISBN to 10 signs, Because ISBN can contain 13 signs

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scooksley (User)
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Re:ISBN-10 from front end 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0  

Thank you for your quick solutions to both my problems posted - much appreciated!
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