a joomla-friend told me that he believes that the Book scrolling is controlled by the following script.
We need ot find out where this script is coming from and then edit the file to change the parameters such as interval and speed.
// execute your scripts when DOM is ready. this is a good habit
$(function() {
// initialize scrollable
// items are auto-scrolled in 2 secnod interval
interval: 2000,
// when last item is encountered go back to first item
loop: true,
// make animation a little slower than the default
speed: 600,
// when seek starts make items little transparent
onBeforeSeek: function() {
this.getItems().fadeTo(300, 0.2);
// when seek ends resume items to full transparency
onSeek: function() {
this.getItems().fadeTo(300, 1);
Note – have a look at the scroller that is visible at
www.ropl.org –
it is called a scroller featured books
it is a great scroller This scroller scrolls almost at zero speed – it looks crazy good - what do you think about this
Question: can we do this like the solution in ropl.org ?
I look forward to hear from you
Martin aka first user
PS – your extension rock – keep up the super work – Book Library is one of the most intriguing extension in the whole joomla world