simple! select book and press ADDBOOK e .. ops... no system error
"Table 'last2.kdtjf_virtuemart_products_en_gb' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO kdtjf_virtuemart_products_en_gb ( product_name, slug, product_s_desc, product_desc) VALUES('testo prova', 'testo prova',' safgds dsfg sdgsdgsfd', ' Authors: cicciPublisher: 1Publication date: 2012Language: Italian<p>safgds dsfg sdgsdgsfd</p> '

I use joomal and virtue mart in Italian language.. there is a solution???
bye the way now:
add book ok ... bait in Virteumat no data is fact from booklibreary!!! ski product name.. all black!!
joomla 2-5-2 e Virtuemat 2.0.2