I am sorry, from yours all before posts, all look like you have move up images !!!! Move up images and URL to images - that full different things.
URL - only need - will that image show or not, It not depend where that image will. For correct image possition - you need check CSS.
for image URL - true say for you all must work good, but you may go to file:
{yours site}/components/com_booklibrary/booklibrary.php
find function: displayBooks
and in it code:
Code: |
if($imageURL != '' && substr($imageURL,0,4) != "http")
$imageURL = $mosConfig_live_site . ''. $book->imageURL;;
if($imageURL != ''){
echo '<img src="'.$imageURL.'" alt="cover" border="0" height="50" ' ;
and replace that to:
Code: |
if($imageURL != '' && substr($imageURL,0,4) != "http")
$imageURL = 'http://hetclub.org'. $book->imageURL;;
if($imageURL != ''){
echo '<img src="'.$imageURL.'" alt="cover" border="0" height="50" ' ;
Ordasoft team