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Errors after PHP upgrade

kvd (Visitor)
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Errors after PHP upgrade 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0  

For some years I am using the Booklibrary component successfully.

But after my hoster upgraded PHP (PHP 5.3 -> PHP5.4) the book_search (free version) on my site shows errors like:

Notice: Array to string conversion in /public/sites/www.boekenmening.nl/modules/mod_booklibr...oklibrary_search.php on line 36

Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /public/sites/www.boekenmening.nl/components/com_booklibrary/booklibrary.php on line 3537

I am using Booklibrary version: 2.1 Shop
and mod_booklibrary_search version: 2.2 FREE. I tryed to install the version: 3.0 FREE, but that version generated even more errors.

How can we solve these problems?

Kees van Dijk
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Taras (User)
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Re:Errors after PHP upgrade 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 58  

Please, try upgrade follow this steps:
For upgrade from yours Book Library version to Book Library version 3.1 without lost data you need:

Note: Before make any upgrades, please make the backup of your website and database.

At first try to do these actions on the test server.

Full save so files and folders:

{yours site}/administrator/components/com_booklibrary

{yours site}/components/com_booklibrary

Please create full database backup

Please do full books export.

After that please remove

{yours site}/administrator/components/com_booklibrary

{yours site}/components/com_booklibrary

and do install components from BookLibrary 3.1 version.

Please recover folders:

{yours site}/administrator/com_booklibrary/ebooks

{yours site}/components/com_booklibrary/covers

Also you will need upgrade all plugins and module

Best Regards,
OrdaSoft team
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Last Edit: 2015/04/23 08:59 By Taras.
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kvd (Visitor)
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Re:Errors after PHP upgrade 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0  
I started a new implementation of joomla 4.3.1 and I installed Booklibrary 3.1 FREE with the module mod_booklibrary_search 3.0 FREE. When I go to my site the searchmodule gives several ' Use of undefined constant' errors (see attachment).

When I use the searchfield of when I select the option 'alle categorieen' in the menu, all the errors disappear. When I select the 'home'option the errors appear again.

Do you have a solution?

Another question: I installed also the module mod_booklibrary_slideshow_Free_3.0. It is working fine. I am using the option 'sort by popular'. Is this module using the count of hits to determine the most popular books or is it using another mechnism?

Grtz, Kees
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File Name: errors.doc
File Size: 237056
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Last Edit: 2015/04/26 21:35 By .
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Taras (User)
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Re:Errors after PHP upgrade 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 58  

For "Use of undefined constant" - please, can you give us link on your website, where we can see error and give us admin and FTP access, we will try to help you.

FTP and admin access You can send to our contact form.
Joomla Admin



FTP host

FTP username

FTP password
That module for Book Library displays the most popular books in list, with the number of hits behind it.

OrdaSoft team.
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Last Edit: 2015/04/27 09:33 By Taras.
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