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Problems with installing

knhans (Visitor)
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problems with installing 13 Years ago
Karma: 0  

Everytime i install the booklibrary pro componement i get this error when trying to adjust settings in the library pro.

Table 'deb10735n3_boek.jos_booklibrary_categories' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT count(*) FROM jos_booklibrary_categories AS jea LEFT JOIN jos_booklibrary_main_categories AS cc ON cc.id = jea.catid LEFT JOIN jos_booklibrary AS jei ON jei.id = jea.bookid LEFT JOIN jos_booklibrary_lend AS l ON jei.fk_lendid = l.idDB functie is mislukt met het volgende foutnummer 1146
Table 'deb10735n3_boek.jos_booklibrary_categories' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(cc.title SEPARATOR ', ' AS category , jei.* , l.id as lendid, l.lend_from as lend_from, l.lend_return as lend_return, l.lend_until as lend_until, usr.name AS editor FROM jos_booklibrary_categories AS jea LEFT JOIN jos_booklibrary_main_categories AS cc ON cc.id = jea.catid LEFT JOIN jos_booklibrary AS jei ON jei.id = jea.bookid LEFT JOIN jos_booklibrary_lend AS l ON l.id = jei.fk_lendid LEFT JOIN jos_users AS usr ON usr.id = jei.checked_out GROUP BY jea.bookid ORDER BY title LIMIT 0,20;

i have reinstalled, have the latest update and tried joomla1.5 1.6 and 1.7

thanx in advance!
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