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Avialogs.com : E-library and more (0 viewing) 

Please add sites what really use BookLibrary component, please write about yours experience, tricks ...

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Avialogs.com : E-library and more

avialogs (User)
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Avialogs.com : E-library and more 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 1  

I have built avialogs.com around booklibrary. Several code change have been done in order to get what I wanted:

- Heavy editing of html output
- Heavy editing of php sorting (in progress) in order to be able to sorts book by years and by languages and hack on title setup (based on book title/author)
- Small change in order to add integration with jomsocial activity stream

Site is still under construction, all books are not added at the time of writing this post

My opinion : Booklibrary pro is a solid component but need some editing.

My only request:

Make each book as content article for joomla. It will allow to integrate it more easely with other joomla components.

Site address: http://www.avialogs.com/
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Avialogs.com : E-library and more 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 102  
May be if we will show books as Joomla Articles - that only confused very many peoples, because will need rebuild core Joomla components.

And that will not approved from joomla.org

OrdaSoft team
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Knjigor (Visitor)
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Re:Avialogs.com : E-library and more 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Can I ask you what extension have you used to display books, i have similar project digitalnabiblioteka.tk and I use adobe pdf plugin but i don't like it because books can be printed. For loging in site you can use guest account:
username: gost
pass: gost

I must say that you have don greate thing with Avialogs.com
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avialogs (User)
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Re:Avialogs.com : E-library and more 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 1  
Sorry but I have moved from this component to K2. I needed a more generic and flexible content management kit.
It does not remove any merit to the booklibrary from ordasoft.

It is a very robust component and helped the site to grow

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Knjigor (Visitor)
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Re:Avialogs.com : E-library and more 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Ok, i know about K2, just tell me have you done this page http://www.avialogs.com/list/item/883-1todo with k2 and how do you display content of book if it is not a secret
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Potts (Visitor)
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Re:Avialogs.com : E-library and more 12 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0  

Could I ask you more about how you setup your website? I am really impressed by it and would like to get some advice about starting a similar site as a learning project. Any information would be really appreciated, my email is pottscf6@gmail.com.

Thank you,
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