In our Joomla CCK component
there 2 different layouts which you may use:
- All instances
- Category
"All instances" - you use and create when you need show all books or all documents or all video... Not depend from which category they from.
"Category" - you use when you need show items only from some category.
workflow, There we check how create BookLibrary site with help OrdaSoft Joomla CCK :
You create booklibrary site (as example)
1. You create "Entity" -> "Book"
2. You go to layouts and create "Add Book" layout, and add to it all fields which you need, And field "Category" also
3. You go to layouts and create "Show Book" Detail layout, for show all details from book
4. You go to layouts and create "Show Book" for Category layout, for show short description from book: Title, Author, image, Short description.
5. You go to layouts and create "Show Category" layout, for show books from category: And you Attach there "Show Book for Category" layout from point 4
6. You go to "CCK categories manager" and create Categories
7. You go to "CCK Instances manager" and create Books
8. You go to "Joomla menu manager" and create menu to "CCK Category Layout"
Ordasoft team