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Show Parent-Child Layout - Need help (0 viewing) 
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Show Parent-Child Layout - Need help

sunda (User)
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Show Parent-Child Layout - Need help 2 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: -1  
I have issues to buld a parent-child view.
As I understand from an explanation in this forum one has to do the following. Please correct, if I am wrong.
I want to build a library woith many books connected to authors,

1. Create a new entitiy with the name "Books" in the OS CCK Menue "Entities"
2. Create a new entitiy with the name "Authors" in the OS CCK Menue "Entities"

3. Create an "add instance" layout with the name "Author" based on the entity "Authors" in the OS CCK Menue "Layout"
3.1 Create the text field "Author Name" in the add instance "Author" Layout. (click "Add New" under "Fields"
3.2 Click "New Row" (select the layout)
3.3 Drag and drop the new field "Author Name" to the colums in the middle of the form.
3.4 Click "Safe and Close"

4. Create an "add instance" layout with the name "add Book" based on the entity "Books" in the OS CCK Menue "Layout"
4.1 Create the text field "Book Title" in the add instance "Book" Layout. (click "Add New" under "Fields"
4.2 Create Child entity. Click "Add New" under "Attach Child Enteties"
4.3 Select "value" from "Authors". Type "child 1" in the field "Entity Alias"
4.4 Choose (click) "Author"
4.5 Click "Add child"
4.6 Add another child entity. Click again "Add New" under "Attach Child Enteties"
4.7 Select "value" from "Authors". Type "child 2" in the field "Entity Alias"
4.8 Choose (click) "Author Name"
4.9 Click "Add child"
4.10 Click three times "New Row" (select the layout)
4.11 Drag and drop the new fields "Book Title", "Child 1" and "Child 2" to the colums in the middle of the form.
4.12 Click "Safe and Close"

5. Add data to the table "Authors" (Entity Authors)
5.1 Click Menue "Instance" in the OS CCK Menue
5.2 Click add
5.3 Choose entity "Authors"
5.4 Type the name of the Author into the field Author
5.5 Click "Safe and Close"
5.6 Do it in the same way to add some more authors to the table.

6. Add data to the table "Books" (Entity Books)
6.1 Click Menue "Instances" of the OS CCK Menue
6.2 Click add
6.3 Choose entitiy "Books"
6.4 Type the name of the book into the field "Book Title"
6.5 Type the name of the author into the field "Child 1"
6.6 Type the name of the author into the field "Child 2"
6.5 Click "Safe and Close"
6.6 Do it in the same way to add some more books to the table.

Now I want to create the "Show Parent-Cild" in the Layout Menue
I tried, but it doesn't work. I don't know what I did wrong. Can please someone explain how to continue?
I want to show each book with all authors who have written the book:
Book Title "The Dark Moon" written by author 1 and author 2 and author 3.

I know I can do it without using the "Show Parent-Child" Layout. But I want to do it with the "Show Parent-Child" Layout.
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Last Edit: 2022/03/03 04:12 By sunda.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Show Parent-Child Layout - Need help 2 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 102  

Excellent, you created "add Instances layouts", so you may create instances and connect them.

Next in OrdaSoft Website builder, please create "Show instance layout" for both Entities,
Please check: You need create 2 types "Show instance layout" with short details, where you show only some fields and "full details" where you show all info about one instance
Please check how create show instance layout

Next you need create all instance layout, and there you need use "short show instance layout" as attachment.
Only after that please create "Child parent layout" it created very like as "all instance", only in "show all instance layout" you show only "Show instance" as attachment, but in "show child parent layout" - you show details of some instance and some child as attachment layout, and this "attachment" we loop. So you see details about parent and all child. and as parent you may use as "Book" and "Author"

and please check: in "show instance layout" you may as "redirect link" for field set link to other layout.
as example in short show instance layout, you may set link to details show instance layout.
and also set link to "parent-child layout"

OrdaSoft team
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sunda (User)
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Re:Show Parent-Child Layout - Need help 2 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: -1  
Thank you so much for your help. I followed your explnation and it works great when I set a link to "prent-child layout" in one of the fields of "instance Layout"
Unfortunately the the redirect types "Hover" and "PopUp" don't work.

However when I create a new menu for the frontend and I use the meu item type "show parent-child layout" in the menu manager it shows in the frontend only the fields

There are no related entities for this instance

I dont't know what I have configured wrong.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Show Parent-Child Layout - Need help 2 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 102  
Please check in OrdaSoft website builder only in Pro version exist PopUp and Hower Layouts


This happened if you remove some fields, as example in add layout and not remove in show. If you remove some fields, you need resave all layouts where these fields may use.

If you continue see some errors, Could you give to us
full FTP and supper admin access
and our team will find solution special for You, FTP and admin access You can send to our contact form.

We need:

Link to website.

Detail description: How reproduce error. Step by step. Detail description: how we may reproduce this.

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FTP host
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OrdaSoft team.
P.S. Please do site backup 2 times per month
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