Dear Volker
Please in file {your site}//components/com_osgallery/helpers/osGalleryHelperSite.php
find function:
Code: |
protected static function findView($type, $view='default'){
and replace it to:
Code: |
protected static function findView($type, $view='default'){
$template = JFactory::getApplication()->getTemplate();
$defaultLayout = $view;
if (strpos($view, ':') !== false) {
// Get the template and file name from the string
$temp = explode(':', $view);
$template = ($temp[0] == '_') ? $template : $temp[0];
$view = $temp[1];
$defaultLayout = ($temp[1]) ? $temp[1] : 'default';
// Build the template and base path for the view
$tPath = JPATH_THEMES . '/' . $template . '/html/com_osgallery/' .
$type . '/' . $view . '.php';
$cPath = JPATH_BASE . '/components/com_osgallery/views/' . $type . '/tmpl/' .
$view . '.php';
$dPath = JPATH_BASE . '/components/com_osgallery/views/' . $type . '/tmpl/default.php';
// If the template has a view override use it
if (file_exists($tPath)) {
return $tPath;
} else if (file_exists($cPath)) {
return $cPath;
} else if (file_exists($dPath)) {
return $dPath;
} else {
echo "Bad view path, please write to admin";
Please backup this file first
OrdaSoft team