Please open file:
find code look like:
Code: |
function onContentSearchAreas(){
static $areas = array('realestateman' => 'RealEstate Manager');
return $areas;
public function onSearchAreas(){ // We get here when input box [RealEstate Manager] was enabled
static $areas = array('realestateman' => 'RealEstateManager');
return $areas;
and replace to:
Code: |
function onContentSearchAreas(){
static $areas = array('realestateman' => 'Your name');
return $areas;
public function onSearchAreas(){ // We get here when input box [RealEstate Manager] was enabled
static $areas = array('realestateman' => 'Your name');
return $areas;
Code: |
$query = "SELECT h.htitle AS title, h.date AS created, h.description AS text ,"
." CONCAT( 'index.php?option=com_realestatemanager"
."&task=view&id=', h.id,'&catid=', c.id,'&Itemid=', $ItemId) AS href,"
." '2' AS browsernav, 'RealEstateManager' AS section, c.title AS category"
." FROM #__rem_houses AS h "
." LEFT JOIN #__rem_categories AS hc ON h.id=hc.iditem "
." LEFT JOIN #__rem_main_categories AS c ON c.id=hc.idcat "
." WHERE h.published = '1' AND ($s)"
." AND $where GROUP BY h.id $order";
Code: |
$query = "SELECT h.htitle AS title, h.date AS created, h.description AS text ,"
." CONCAT( 'index.php?option=com_realestatemanager"
."&task=view&id=', h.id,'&catid=', c.id,'&Itemid=', $ItemId) AS href,"
." '2' AS browsernav, 'Your text' AS section, c.title AS category"
." FROM #__rem_houses AS h "
." LEFT JOIN #__rem_categories AS hc ON h.id=hc.iditem "
." LEFT JOIN #__rem_main_categories AS c ON c.id=hc.idcat "
." WHERE h.published = '1' AND ($s)"
." AND $where GROUP BY h.id $order";
Please backup that file first
OrdaSoft team