I have tried everything.
All my language files have this line in the beginning: LangLocal = array('lang_code'=>'gr-GR', 'title'=>'Greek'
Furthermore i did all the steps in this file: ordasoft.com/Forum/RealEstateManager-com...al-Estate.html#10832
but nothing happened. The English in the fontent don't change.
After i insert and remove this line: remove_langs();exit; in {site}/administrator/components/com_realestatemanager/realestatemanager.php , only part of my language files are uploaded. Not all of my constants values are loaded.Why?
How can i load to the databases all my language files? It seems that it doesn't see my changes.
I am using teh free edition of this
ordasvit.com/realestatemanager13/. Iwant to test it before i buy the whole package but it doent's work!!!
I have wracked my brains out. I am going crazy. It's so frustrating! Please help