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getmyhousesTab#tabs-2 is causing me SEO issues! (0 viewing) 

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GetmyhousesTab#tabs-2 is causing me SEO issues!

thenetworkco (User)
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getmyhousesTab#tabs-2 is causing me SEO issues! 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0  

I hope you can help.

I have Real Estate Manager Pro, and have also downloaded the SH404SEF component. The SH404SEF component seemed to be working absolutely fine with me, up until i recently stumbled on this issue:

When i click on a category, and then a property within the list, the end of my URL changes to this:


The problem is that for some reason SH404SEF does not recognise this URL for me to either change the TITLE (from "RealEstate Manager" or change the SEF URL, or in fact do anything which SH404 can do such as Meta data.

Please tell me how I can resolve this issue.

you can see what I mean by going to one of my website links which shows the URL issue:

This will be a big problem because I plan to add many properties on the website, and if i don't resolve this SEO problem I will be wasting a lot of traffic!!!

I hope you can resolve this for me.

Kind Regards,
Mosab @ The Network Co.
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nixsmart (User)
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Re:getmyhousesTab#tabs-2 is causing me SEO issues! 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0  
I have the same problem.
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thenetworkco (User)
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Re:getmyhousesTab#tabs-2 is causing me SEO issues! 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0  
It seems like a lot of people are having the same problem. I wonder if Ordasoft have a solution?

Is there at least something in the component files that I can edit which will change the title from "Realestate Manager" to whatever I wish?

There really is no reason for the getmyhousestab url. Very frustrating!

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admin (Admin)
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Re:getmyhousesTab#tabs-2 is causing me SEO issues! 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 102  

please download last version real estate manager sh404sef plugin - and for you all will good

Title part from RealEstateManager you need change in self that file code

OrdaSoft team
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thenetworkco (User)
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Re:getmyhousesTab#tabs-2 is causing me SEO issues! 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Thank you, but the installation instruction says that this plug in is for Joomla 2.5 and I have the Joomla 3+
will this still work if I install?

Also, in your set up instructions you say go to the SH404 component section of configuration and then click on do not override. This is not the option that SH404SEF give me. The only options are:

Use SH404SEF plugin if available
Use Joomla router.php
use Joomsef plugin
use acesef plugin

which one is it?

Also, you say I need to change the real estate manager file to edit title. Where is this file and what is it called?

Thanks for your help

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thenetworkco (User)
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Re:getmyhousesTab#tabs-2 is causing me SEO issues! 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0  

I have edited the code in the realestatemanager.php file from "RealEstate Manager " to my desired word, and this has change my title correctly.

But the issue still stand with the URL!

I have downloaded your SEF404 Plugin, created a subfolder set_ext in the com_realestatemanager file and put the plugin realestatemanager.php into the subfolder sef_ext. I then went to the SH404SEF control panel in the By Component Tab and selected "Use Joomla! router.php".

I have gone to my website and unfortunately, the same problem is happening with my URL showing this:


please help me remove this unnecessary URL "?tab=getmyhousesTab#tabs-2".

Your plug-in made no difference.

Look forward to your solution


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