I purchased the REM pro package + Classic template.
I installed it with the QuickStart installation package.
So I have the classic template with REM preinstalled and various other components.
Until yesterday everything looked good, because I had one record per property, so the english description was shown in every language.
Now I'm trying to have different Title+Description in each of the 3 languages.
In Eng & Rus is ok, but the property that is in Greek language is not shown up at all.
I installed the Greek lang following the instructions:
Since I couldn't find your language in the pack, I tried this:
1. Find the file called English.php, either in your installation pack or in the zip archive of the component.
It is located in the directory {your website}/components/com_realestatemanager/lang/
2. Make a copy of English.php and rename it to your own language (Greek.php).
3. I set the Language tag to 'el-GR'
4. I translated some values.
5. upload it in your_website/components/com_realestatemanager/lang
6. I can't find any button "Load languages" in Real Estate Manager -> Language Manager
Also I can't fing the file you mention here:
" In the file Real Estate Manager.xml in the directory
/components/com_Real estate Manager/ add the language entry for your language."