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Change Built years in RealEstateManager component (0 viewing) 

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Change Built years in RealEstateManager component

Taras (User)
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Re:Change Built years in RealEstateManager component 8 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 58  

To remove the mandatory field you need go to your website/components/com_realestatemanager and open file realestatemanager.html.php then find "static function editHouse"

and delete for "year" this code


} else if (form.year.value == ''){
                document.getElementById('alert_year').innerHTML =
                 "<?php echo _REALESTATE_MANAGER_INFOTEXT_JS_BUILD_YEAR; ?>";
                document.getElementById('alert_year').style.color = "red";
                document.getElementById('alert_year').style.color = "#FF0000";

This changes for adding house from FRONTEND.

FOR backend (adding house from backend) you need edit the same file and delete the same code, but inyour website/administrator/components/com_realestatemanager

Before make any change make a copy of file.
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frezite (User)
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Re:Change Built years in RealEstateManager component 8 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0  

Many thanks for the reply!

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Taras (User)
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Re:Change Built years in RealEstateManager component 8 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 58  
Rui, Your welcome.

If you will have any questions, please ask.
Best Regards,
OrdaSoft team
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Semenfree (User)
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Re:Change Built years in RealEstateManager component 8 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Many thanks for your reply!
However, these files do not have these lines.
And change the field built year is not obtained.
Can you see my file "realestatemanager.html.php" , I attached this.
File Attachment:
File Name: realestatemanager-fde3241204b7905675b6245844dac462.zip
File Size: 21399
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Last Edit: 2015/12/15 21:50 By Semenfree.
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Taras (User)
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Re:Change Built years in RealEstateManager component 8 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 58  

We don't know what file you sent.

I attached file - realestatemanager.html.php with changes for HIDE Built years in RealEstateManager component on Frontend.

This file was taken from my website t/components/com_realestatemanager

Test it. Before make any changes, please backup your file
File Attachment:
File Name: realestatemanager-5024e4b529f18b81e2bfac072272c93a.zip
File Size: 28214
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Semenfree (User)
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Re:Change Built years in RealEstateManager component 8 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
What do you mean , you do not know what kind of file? This is your file , which is installed in the component: Real Estate Manager Pro component Release 3.0 PRO
However, I replaced this file to the one that you sent /components/com_realestatemanager, but there is also no change. Built years does not hide.
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