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New Label!

kenmedia (User)
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New Label! 8 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hello, i have a question.
I will put a new label.
Standard are for sale and sold in it.
Seen attache

how can the labels / option and expand further to add? Reserved for example.
Have you an idea?
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Taras (User)
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Re:New Label! 8 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 58  

Labels connected with Listing type.

We have in Listing type: - rent and sale. You can rename that values.

We have created RealEstateManager :: Language Manager. You can Rename any text field and backend fields with help RealEstateManager :: Language Manager.

Put any of Text Fields (for example - For Sale) in Value constant choose Language and rename as you need.

But add new Listing types (Label) not possible, they connected with Contact or Booking Form.

If you add new Listing type, then need add Booking or Sale form, that possible if make changes in code, using PHP, CSS and HTML you can add new Listing type. Or could write on our contact form and ask about customization service.

We could offer use Listing status. You can ANY NEW Listing status. You need go to RealEstateManager :: Language Manager. You can Rename any Listing status with help RealEstateManager :: Language Manager.
Put for example - active in Value constant choose Language and rename as you need.

If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us too.

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