You need in {your site}/administrator/components/com_realestatemanage.php
find function showHouses
Code: |
$selectstring = "SELECT a.*, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(cc.title) SEPARATOR ',') AS category,
l.id as rentid, l.rent_from as rent_from, l.rent_return as rent_return,
l.rent_until as rent_until, u.name AS editor, ue.name AS editor1" .
"nFROM #__rem_houses AS a" .
"nLEFT JOIN #__rem_categories AS hc ON hc.iditem = a.id" .
"nLEFT JOIN #__rem_main_categories AS cc ON cc.id = hc.idcat" .
"nLEFT JOIN #__rem_rent AS l ON l.fk_houseid = a.id and l.rent_return is null " .
"nLEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON u.id = a.owner_id" .
"nLEFT JOIN #__users AS ue ON ue.id = a.checked_out" .
(count($where) ? "nWHERE " . implode(' AND ', $where) : "") .
"nGROUP BY a.id" .
"nORDER BY a.htitle " .
"nLIMIT $pageNav->limitstart,$pageNav->limit;";
replace to (replace ORDER BY )
Code: |
$selectstring = "SELECT a.*, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(cc.title) SEPARATOR ',') AS category,
l.id as rentid, l.rent_from as rent_from, l.rent_return as rent_return,
l.rent_until as rent_until, u.name AS editor, ue.name AS editor1" .
"nFROM #__rem_houses AS a" .
"nLEFT JOIN #__rem_categories AS hc ON hc.iditem = a.id" .
"nLEFT JOIN #__rem_main_categories AS cc ON cc.id = hc.idcat" .
"nLEFT JOIN #__rem_rent AS l ON l.fk_houseid = a.id and l.rent_return is null " .
"nLEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON u.id = a.owner_id" .
"nLEFT JOIN #__users AS ue ON ue.id = a.checked_out" .
(count($where) ? "nWHERE " . implode(' AND ', $where) : "") .
"nGROUP BY a.id" .
"nORDER BY a.id" .
"nLIMIT $pageNav->limitstart,$pageNav->limit;";
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