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Help !! Cant get it to work (0 viewing) 

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Help !! Cant get it to work

cathygg888 (Visitor)
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Help !! Cant get it to work 13 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0  
I just downloaded and istalled the real estate component but I have error codes and messages
under houses
Table 'equestandlife.jos_rem_houses' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT count(*) FROM jos_rem_houses AS a LEFT JOIN jos_rem_categories AS hc ON a.id=hc.iditem LEFT JOIN jos_rem_rent AS l ON a.fk_rentid = l.idDB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'equestandlife.jos_rem_houses' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT a.*, GROUP_CONCAT(cc.title SEPARATOR ', ' AS category, l.id as rentid, l.rent_from as rent_from, l.rent_return as rent_return, l.rent_until as rent_until, u.name AS editor FROM jos_rem_houses AS a LEFT JOIN jos_rem_categories AS hc ON hc.iditem = a.id LEFT JOIN jos_categories AS cc ON cc.id = hc.idcat LEFT JOIN jos_rem_rent AS l ON l.fk_houseid = a.id and l.rent_return is null LEFT JOIN jos_users AS u ON u.id = a.checked_out GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.htitle LIMIT 0,20;

under categories
DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'equestandlife.jos_rem_categories' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT c.*, c.checked_out as checked_out_contact_category, c.parent_id as parent, g.name AS groupname, u.name AS editor, c.params, COUNT(hc.id) AS cc FROM jos_categories AS c LEFT JOIN jos_rem_categories AS hc ON hc.idcat=c.id LEFT JOIN jos_users AS u ON u.id = c.checked_out LEFT JOIN jos_groups AS g ON g.id = c.access WHERE c.section='com_realestatemanager' AND c.published != -2 GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY parent DESC, ordering

Table 'equestandlife.jos_rem_houses' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT count(*) FROM jos_rem_houses AS a LEFT JOIN jos_rem_rent_request AS l ON l.fk_houseid = a.id WHERE l.status = 0Table 'equestandlife.jos_rem_houses' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT * FROM jos_rem_houses AS a LEFT JOIN jos_rem_rent_request AS l ON l.fk_houseid = a.id WHERE l.status = 0 ORDER BY l.rent_from, l.rent_until, l.user_name LIMIT 0,20;

I think this has to do with my sql tables but not sure how to upload them or do I manually have to make tables on the php to match what is missing.

Really hope someone can help me.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Help !! Cant get it to work 13 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 102  

Look like component has error in install time. And can't correctly install DataBase

What errors you see at time component install ?

Ordasoft team
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cathygg888 (Visitor)
Posts: 0
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Re:Help !! Cant get it to work 13 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0  
thank you for the quick reply. I unistalled and reinstalled and got this error message.
Real Estate Manager - component for sale ant rent houses
Installation status: fault
This component works correctly under PHP version 5.0 and higher.

I then looked at my hosting php and see that its php4. So I have been looking at other hosting options as im not happy with my current host company as I pay excessive fees for outdated technology. So I will arrange for my hosting to be changed the next few days and then hopefully I can then install again and it will work.

Thank you once again
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