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collax (User)
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RealEstateM. ADD AND CUSTOMIZE DROPDOWN RELATED 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi, I purchased the pro version of RealestateManager,
I would like to change the search formRealEstateManager and the admin panel
so as to have 4 dropdown related: State - County - City - District of the form like www.immobiliare.it

I would also be possible that research on the individual fields without necessarily having to select them all.

The input data are not very many so I can put them in code, if you tell me how to do ..

Can you tell me the code to enter and what files ..

thank you very much
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admin (Admin)
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Re:RealEstateM. ADD AND CUSTOMIZE DROPDOWN RELATED 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 102  
hi ,

In Real estate manager software you may change all self or order that from us.

First You need check search property module options.
Or you need go to file:
{yours site}/modules/mod_realestatemanager/mod_realestatemanager.php
And change all code self

If you have Pro version - and also wish change property advance search
You need edit function "showSearchHouses"
in file:
{yours site]/components/com_realestatemanager/com_realestatemanager.html.php

Or you may give to as full description what and where need add/change in real Estate software - and we will self create that for you.
Request for create new version - you may fo with help OrdaSoft support form

OrdaSoft team
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marco (Visitor)
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Re:RealEstateM. ADD AND CUSTOMIZE DROPDOWN RELATED 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0  
admin wrote:
[quote]hi ,

In Real estate manager software you may change all self or order that from us.

First You need check search property module options.
Or you need go to file:
{yours site}/modules/mod_realestatemanager/mod_realestatemanager.php
And change all code self

hi, mine is a similar change i want to make, i have modified the file realestatemanager.php as mentioned above, and the realestatemanager.html.php file and changed foreclosure in the listing type to Leasehold.

i did this to the files in /components/mod_realestatemanager/, as i don't have the folder /modules/mod_realestatemanager/.

the problem is when i go into add a property or edit an existing property after having made the changes to the files above, foreclosure is still in the listing type, if i select it and save then view the property on the website the listing type is empty.

is there anything else i need to change of modify so the listing types display the way i need them to.


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admin (Admin)
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Re:RealEstateM. ADD AND CUSTOMIZE DROPDOWN RELATED 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 102  

For component modification you need edit in below folder for edit site fronted

For component modification you need edit in below folder for edit site backend

In folder 'module' - if you need edit some module

Below link how add/edit some new house type (property type) to Real Estate manager


OrdaSoft team
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