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Google Maps

Turczyn (User)
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Google Maps 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0  
Hi, since Monday the Google API tells me, there where too many Hits, so it doesn't work anymore.
The Map is Darkend and it says for development purpose only.

So can you help me out?

Best Regards

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admin (Admin)
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Re:Google Maps 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 102  
Dear ,

Start from this Monday, Google updated his license.

You need go by this link and recreate Google map APi key

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dejansoftware (User)
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Re:Google Maps 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0  
I quite accidentally noticed the same thing.

There is a strange error in displaying the geo location on the portal. After I click on "Do you own this site?" Following screen opens...


It is not just recreate Google map APi key, I think it needs to pay for using this service? RIGHT?

Here is link for that: developers.google.com/maps/documentation...pt/usage-and-billing

If I am wrong, can you help us, with step by step guide to do this. If this is true, can we switch to OpenStreetMap as alternative. They have API available: wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/API or something else. Who needs those mf.


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Last Edit: 2018/07/30 06:19 By dejansoftware.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Google Maps 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 102  
Dear Dejan,

Google changed license for Google Map API use. So you need renew keys.

To create your application's API key:

1. Go to the API Console. console.developers.google.com/
2. From the projects list, select a project or create a new one.
If the APIs & services page isn't already open, open the left side menu and select APIs & services.
3. On the left, choose Credentials.
4. Click Create credentials and then select API key.

Ordasoft team
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Despotes (Visitor)
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Re:Google Maps 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0  
Hi Andrew!
Can you tell me where to replace the new API key?
It looks like it's not just in one place .. I've also done these steps and there is no result
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osarina (Admin)
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Re:Google Maps 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0  
Hi Dejan,

Did you find the API key?
If you find it please go to Admin panel. Then Components -> RealEstateManager -> Settings -> tab Administrator Settings. There find section "Google Map Options" -> Api key and replace the value.

Ordasoft team
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Last Edit: 2018/08/01 11:23 By osarina.
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