I have installed Real State manager free version for joomla 2.5
My intention is that it works ok I will buy the pro version
But when I activate the module RealEstateManager Search Free I have this error: Fatal error: Class 'mosHTML' not found in /homepages/11/d274044415/htdocs/fincas/modules/mod_realestatemanagersearch/mod_realestatemanagersearch.php on line 132
In line 132 I have: $categories[] = mosHTML::makeOption(_REALESTATE_MANAGER_LABEL_ALL, _REALESTATE_MANAGER_LABEL_ALL);
$database->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE link LIKE'%option=com_realestatemanager%' AND params LIKE '%back_button%'"
$ItemId_tmp_from_db = $database->loadResult();
$ItemId=$ItemId_tmp_from_db; else $ItemId=$ItemId_tmp_from_params;
$clist = mod_real_categoryTreeList(0,'',true,$categories);
Is real state compatible with joomla 2.5?