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Add house google maps, css and traslate constant (0 viewing) 

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Add house google maps, css and traslate constant

gerardozamora1973 (User)
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Add house google maps, css and traslate constant 4 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 2  
I was unable to enter any address for google maps

"Please check the accuracy of Address"

I have tried all possible combinations

Could it be added by coordinates?
Another point.

What are the ID or Class of the css to modify what I indicate?

Also where is the constant to translate

"No reviews for house"

By last.

I have a button out of frame.

It happens to me on two issues.

Can it be resolved?

thanks for your help
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gerardozamora1973 (User)
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Add Image 4 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 2  
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Add Image 4 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 102  

What are the ID or Class of the css to modify what I indicate?
below post show, what you need do in moments like this:

"Please check the accuracy of Address
First of all you need choose which API you wish use for Map show.
You may select OpenMap(OpenLayer) or Google
Real estate manager settings->Administrator Settings->Select API for map show -> Google or OpenMap

Google changed license for Google Map API use. So you need renew keys.

To create your application's Google map API key:

1. Go to the API Console. console.developers.google.com/
2. From the projects list, select a project or create a new one.
If the APIs & services page isn't already open, open the left side menu and select APIs & services.
3. On the left, choose Credentials. There Please add all your sites names with "http", "https", "www", without "www", ...
4. Click Create credentials and then select API key.
5. Add to your API support: Maps JavaScript API, Places API, Street View Static API, GeoCoding

You need update Key in Real estate manager settings->Administrator Settings->Google Map Options

"No reviews for house"
Every text constant or field or list field values in Real estate manager you may change with help RealEstate::Language manager
Please check below link:

OrdaSoft team
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gerardozamora1973 (User)
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Re:Add Image 4 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 2  

If I have worked with the API part of Google. But today they have a cost and I use them for another project.

But still it interests me. Being able to put locations by means of coordinates.

There are properties that do not have an official address because they are areas that are being urbanized for the first time.

Can it be through Openlayer?

Can it be through Google?

I saw a question that indicated how to do it. But today they have changed the code.

From the Css I have done so. But those two elements. I just can't find him.

Regarding translation

I have never been able to find that constant or value.

If you remember. I made the total Spanish translation of Real State

But I never found that.

I await your comments
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Add Image 4 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 102  

You may select OpenMap(OpenLayer) or Google
Real estate manager settings->Administrator Settings->Select API for map show -> Google or OpenMap

You can't set latitude and longitude. We removed this possibility many years ago(many clients complain: what is it and how use it).
You may do address search by Open Map API or do search with help map, and next set exactly location withelp set marker on map.

From the Css I have done so. But those two elements. I just can't find him.

We need:

Link to website.

Detail description: How reproduce error. Step by step. Detail description: how we may reproduce this.

OrdaSoft team.
P.S. Please do site backup 2 times per month
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king77 (User)
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Re:Add Image 2 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
It is an error to have removed the option to search by latitude and longitude if open street map is going to be used, since open layer does not have many small towns mapped, it is impossible to search by address, you will always get this error "Please check the accuracy of Address", with the latitude and longitude function there would not be this problem to place the cursor, open street map is still under development in towns and small urbanizations are to be mapped, so it is a mistake to remove this option
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