I am sorry now you may hide field win Real Estate search only with help code edit.
For Component search layout responsible file:
{yours site}/components/com_realestatemanager/realestatemanager.html.php
function: showSearchHouses
e.g. if you wish hide Price Type you need check code:
Code: |
<td align="right" colspan="2" nowrap>
<?php echo $params->get('price_type_list');?>
Fo remove it from search, you need replace it to
Code: |
<td align="right" colspan="2" nowrap>
Below small customization manual:
n Real estate manager you may do that self, or you may hire us for that
ours component have Open source,
it have two parts admin and frontend.
in admin you will see two files:
admin.realestatemanager.html.php - responsible for show data
admin.realestatemanager.php - responsible for prepare data
exactly for frontend
{yours site}/components/com_realestatemanager/realestatemanager.html.php
realestatemanager.html.php - responsible for show data
realestatemanager.php - responsible for prepare data
All connection between what user press in Browser - do wit help TASK variable.
also if you wish all Joomla class methods work. E.g when you create new House
with help
mosRealestatemanager class. you need also edit file
and add to class definition all new fields what you added to database
Most simply way now add new field to property definition - that rename any fields
what you no need with help language file.
{yours site}/components/com_realestatemanager/language
also with help language file you may change options in all property combobox
(options) fields
Also - any empty fields will not show at frontend
Also we added to ours component very many module template positions - so you
may add any module to very many places in Real estate manager manager - with
help Joomla module manager
If you give full details what exactly you wish, we will self create that for
OrdaSoft team