What I have to change??? I want only to erase "RealEstate..." and write other.. (as I made for the rest of page and Joomla permit to do in easy way...
line 527 - realestatemanager.php
static function addTitleAndMetaTags($idHouse=0)
global $database, $doc, $mainframe,$Itemid;
$view = JREQUEST::getCmd('view', null);
$catid = JREQUEST::getInt('catid', null);
$id = JREQUEST::getInt('id', null);
$lang = JREQUEST::getString('lang', null);
$title = array();
$sitename = htmlspecialchars($mainframe->getCfg('sitename'

if (isset($view))
$view = str_replace("_", " ", $view);
$view = ucfirst($view);
$title[] = $view;
$s = getWhereUsergroupsCondition('c'

if (!isset($catid))