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OS Toch slider : text allignment (0 viewing) 

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OS Toch slider : text allignment

jpeters (User)
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OS Toch slider : text allignment 2 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
i have installed the quickstart of section template.
OS Touch slider Free is included.

i need to add images with text.
that works, but there is no way i can get the text allignment (center).
i have check all the settings of the demo slide.. but it does not work.
the text is alligned from the center of the image to right.
i need to have the text alligned in the center of the screen. same as the demo.
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jpeters (User)
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Re:OS Toch slider : text allignment 2 Years, 8 Months ago
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Last Edit: 2022/03/29 07:12 By jpeters.
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jpeters (User)
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Re:OS Toch slider : text allignment 2 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
result image
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admin (Admin)
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Re:OS Toch slider : text allignment 2 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  

For edit your text in OS Joomla Slider you need:

1. Login to website frontend as site super admin
2. Go to frontend, where you see your slider
3. Click on joomla slider "edit button"
4. On Tab "Images", on the image where located your text, Click on "Pencil" image, You will go to list of all your "text"(HTML) objects located on this image
5. There you may or ADD new Text(HTML) or edit text which already added.
For edit - Click on Pencil with your Text Object.
After that - you may as edit this text, and edit it settings.
Please cjeck:
- for move text - you need click on it and with help Mouse, move to position which you need
- Together with text - you may use any HTML code, with links, images...

More details in Joonla Slider documentation

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