Gtranslate - is not free.
There are as free you may use "Google Instance translate" - only !!
In our SefTranslate component (
ordasoft.com/sef-translate-joomla-translation-component) you also may use free the "Google Instance translate".
But if you need REDIRECT - with possibility translate URLs, Create Site Map, change Translated Pages - you need buy Googl Translate API or Bing Translate API.(By the way: Bing has free quota)
And as result: for use Gtranslate - you will need pay every month.
For use SefTranslate - you pay one time.
All translated phrases - we have to 2 levels of cache, so you no need pay every time for translate same phrases. And "Free Quota from Bing" resolve all requirements for 90% of our customers
OrdaSoft team