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Joomla Translate component support

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RTL Languages

joomleb (User)
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RTL Languages 5 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi guys,
when I switch into RTL Languages like Arabic, Hebrew, Persian (see it in develop.egulp.net) the content is not moved from Right to Left

Please, How to set it into SEF Translate ?
I looked for that into Joomla forum and I found this interesting topic: forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?t=468750

Most of us are using templates that yet support RTL and usually they give us a way to customize it changing also the element order and not only the content direction. In my case, for example, I'm using the famouses Helix Ultimate + SP Page Builder Pro to create Templates/Contents.

Please, Would be really a very good thing to have a way in SEF Translate to tell them (Helix Ultimate / SP Page Builder) when the selected language is RTL and so to activate all the RTL functions...
Do you have any suggestions ?
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admin (Admin)
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Re:RTL Languages 5 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  

sorry say this, but we in SefTranslate not change WEB page RTL

We will check possibility add this in next versions

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:RTL Languages 5 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi Andrew,
many thanks for your attention!

We'll stay tuned to touch the incredible SEF Translate evolution
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joomleb (User)
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Re:RTL Languages 5 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0  
We will check possibility add this in next versions
Hi Andrew,
respecting my collaborative spirit, I continued to look for a solution that I believe now I found.

In first of all let see this very good video about How to use a Multilanguage Joomla site + Helix Ultimate template + SP Page Builder to have back RTL visualization. Basically:
A - Joomla + Helix Ultimate + SP Page Builder are yet RTL compliant: when they are assigned to RTL languages (or Joomla RTL language is shown) the body text is shown in RTL mode. This is enough to get the RTL body text effect
B - For convenience and for creating different look & feel like to move modules specularly (if desired) we have to duplicate Helix Ultimate template / SP Page Builder for each language and assign it to the specific language.
This is the Joomla approach concept and it is valid for all the Templates / Page Builders.

1 - SEF Translate integration solution
to add to the SEF Translate module a "selected language field". What I mean ? Example:
A - we configure our SEF Translate component > General > Website Main Language: Spanish
B - we configure our SEF Translate module > Language List: Spanish + Arabic + English
C - we duplicate our SEF Translate module and we assign them to Language: one to Spanish, one to Arabic, one to English, in "a Joomla way"
D - for each SEF Translate module we configure the new "selected language field", where the SEF Translate module assigned to Spanish will be Spanish, the SEF Translate module assigned to Arabic will be Arabic , and the SEF Translate module assigned to English will be English.
The language "selected language field" will be and should be only the same selected for Module > Language (Joomla) and if it has been yet added into "B", the Language List
In practice, for example, when the "selected language field" is set to Arabic, the SEF Translate module will be visualized with Arabic yet selected into the SEF Translate dropdown menu module as language, this mean that the site will be translated and shown in Arabic.
Really too simple and perfectly joomla integrated! Don't you think ?!?

2 - Script
Now, Can happen that your customer want just use one template, doesn't matter if the modules etc. are on the right or on the left and/or are using a template not yet RTL compliant. Well in this case would be a good thing give them the right code to add to their template to have back the RTL body text for all the RTL languages:
- Consider at least Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, and Urdu like RTL languages
- Take a look to this code suggestion
- What is the correct code to add for SEF Translate module ?
- Where have we to add it into the template, Before </head> or Before </body> ? OR Can the code be added directly into SEF Translate module ?
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Last Edit: 2019/07/08 11:15 By joomleb.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:RTL Languages 5 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 102  

In first of all let see this very good video about How to use a Multilanguage Joomla site + Helix Ultimate template + SP Page
Sorry, This solution good for SP, but for sefTranslate all will more complicate(as me seem)

RTL languages
With RTL - need add some Javascript - which will add to HTML structure add "RTL" tag

Please let move this to next SefTranslate Version

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:RTL Languages 5 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi guys,

Please let move this to next Joomla Translate Version


I added it into the Wishlist topic created for next release

I stay tuned here to help and tests!
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