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Flags .svg & dimensions

joomleb (User)
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Flags .svg & dimensions 2 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0  
Hi guys,
PHP 7.4.33 / 8.1.13 + Joomla 4.2.6 + Joomla Translate 6.1.1 commerce
Right now Joomla Translate is using Flags looking into the …/modules/mod_seftranslate/tmpl/flags folders, and...:

A - flat folder: 60x40 pixels images, virtually treated as 64 pixels
B - shiny folder 62x42 pixels images, virtually treated as 64 pixels
C - they are all .png images
D - With "Flag Size" we can choose between 16/24/32/48/64 predefined dimensions
C - The "Flag Size" is not applied to the "Dropdown List with Flags" flags dimensions. In this case the dimension is established from into the .../modules/mod_seftranslate/css/flag-icon.min.css file:
.flag-icon {
width: 1.33333333em;
line-height: 1em;

This is really the worst of situations, confusing situation for something simple. PNGs are considered "bad" SEO practice by Google and to treat their dimension in this way returns poor image quality.


1 - To use .svg images > really simple. At least, to permit us to use .svg images. As far as I see this is not possible because into .../modules/mod_seftranslate/tmpl/default.php you are defining and considering only the .png (9 times into that file)

Please, Can you add it ?
Or, at least, Can you confirm that by hacking .../modules/mod_seftranslate/tmpl/default.php changing .png to .svg is the only thing we have to do ?


2 - To leave "Flag Size" as free text and to choose between px/em/...etc., instead to have predefined dimensions

3 - If the point 2 is added, also the "List/Plain text/Text with flag: Dropdown List with Flag" option could/should look into "Flag Size" to define dimensions, instead to look into the flag-icon.min.css

These simple better "fixings" would make Joomla Translate much more flexible for all your customers...
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Last Edit: 2023/01/05 15:26 By joomleb.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Flags .svg & dimensions 2 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 102  
sorry, sorry, sorry

For add SVG images to OrdaSoft Joomla Translate - will need change how we show these images - YES - there no problem to standard HTML elements - like Image or Select List
But If we say about Select List With Flags - we will need rewrite Bootstrap library.
All my experiences say: "change library from other - most bad what may do". Only small error fix or maybe support to libraries which have not support longer.
Other a lot error with mobile devices or with other libraries or .. and a lot time for debug and fix

As I said: we have a lot problem with standard Bootstrap - but this package created by lot developers

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:Flags .svg & dimensions 2 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0  
Hi Admin,

"...As I said: we have a lot problem with standard Bootstrap - but this package created by lot developers..." = Again, I'm agree with you, so, I'm simply speechless...

"...But If we say about Select List With Flags - we will need rewrite Bootstrap library. All my experiences say..." = I understand what you mean.
Bootstrap 2, 3, 4 didn't help. Hopefully Bootstrap 5 isn't so much "hole".

Anyway, I think that to use .svg is the final goal for the future.
Please, Can you move this into the wishlist forum ?

Unfortunately I can't help much here, but, maybe, this ticket (and the related ones) on Joomla GitHub can help you to make all the considerations:
- #21410 github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/pull/21410
--- #35554 github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/issues/35554
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Flags .svg & dimensions 2 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 102  
Ok let add this to wish list for Ordasoft joomla translate

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:Flags .svg & dimensions 2 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0  
Please, Do you move this topic into the Wishlist forum OR Do have I to create a new topic there ?
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Flags .svg & dimensions 2 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 102  
We have inner wish list. Where to we add wishes from our clients from forum and other sources.

OrdaSoft team
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