I'm a total noobie, so please forgive me if I sound like a 5-year-old here. I uploaded the most recent version of Music Library basic yesterday, and am having trouble uploading MP3's. I only want music files to show in the library. I got four errors when I tried to upload an MP3, which are:
Warning: file() [function.file]: Filename cannot be empty in /home/content/r/o/t/rothhobson/html/commuterscoot/home/administrator/components/com_medialibrary/admin.medialibrary.php on line 3521
Warning: file() [function.file]: Filename cannot be empty in /home/content/r/o/t/rothhobson/html/commuterscoot/home/administrator/components/com_medialibrary/admin.medialibrary.class.impexp.php on line 202
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/content/r/o/t/rothhobson/html/commuterscoot/home/administrator/components/com_medialibrary/admin.medialibrary.class.impexp.php on line 203
Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML() [domdocument.loadxml]: Empty string supplied as input in /home/content/r/o/t/rothhobson/html/commuterscoot/home/administrator/components/com_medialibrary/admin.medialibrary.class.impexp.php on line 209
I'm not a programmer, so I'm having to feel my way in the dark, as it were. I went through my FTP file manager and was able to locate the lines in the respective files, but I have no idea how to fix this problem. Can you please help? I've titled the MP3 "Music".
Thank you for any help you can give me.