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Free Version of OS CCK
a) when user click buy , can we email the details to admin, if so how?
In free version of CCK compare with pro Version of CCK - you can't
- connect emails with any action forms. Only in Pro version you can to Buy Button create email and send it to admin or Product ownew
- Only in pro version - you may connect and configure "access right" to fields, forms, categories.
- Only in pro version - you may show Entity manager on frontend
All other you may do in fee version of CCK
b) can we generate invoices and send it to users if so how
As Pity we haven't now in CCK support PDF and Print.
For now invoice you may create exactly as another Entity and Show Layout.
1. You create entity "Invoice"
2. You create "add instance" layout where to you adding all fields which you need in invoice
3. You create "show Invoice layout"
4 When some body asked invoice from you, You create "Instance Invoice" use form from point 2(you fill form), and send to client URL to "show layout" with invoice, prom point 3
How to remove catpathce when user want to buy (or i can say we can chagne to recpatcha just like you are using in forums
In "CCK Layout Manager" Please check:
You may very simply add/edit/remove any field in any CCK layout
For Now OS CCK not support reCaptcha. If you need Captcha - Please use our captcha field
OrdaSoft team