I made a copy of your blank template and inserted a custom.css.
I can't click submenus in the mobile menu. When I click on the arrow, the menu item opens immediately instead of expanding. I'm not sure, but it could be this problem:
You mentioned an update as a solution. Will your updates appear in my Joomla like extension updates and will they work with my copy? However, the post is already 11 years old. So I assume it's not the same error.
Best regards,
You need Upadte our
Joomla Blank template
1. Backup your old template. You may backup or full website or only folder with template. With that you not lost nothing important
2. Download new version of "Joomla Blank template". Unzip it. There you will see files:
- Quick Start
- Documentation
- template.zip
3. Install template.zip file - to yours website
4. Refresh Cache
If you will have any errors or questions - Please not hesitate contact to us
OrdaSoft team