I used the new file but I am still getting an error message.
All I am doing is under Upload Package tab, I locate the zip file and click, Install. It runs for couple seconds then errors. Not sure if the zip has to be initially uploaded to the
www server. I am taking guesses.
Cannot add foreign key constraint SQL=CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jos_vehiclemanager_photos` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `fk_vehicleid` int(11), `thumbnail_img` varchar(250) default '', `main_img` varchar(250) default '', `img_ordering` int(11) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), FOREIGN KEY (`fk_vehicleid`) REFERENCES jos_vehiclemanager_vehicles(`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=2 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;