If you have Free Vehicle manager version you need in file
{yours site}/administrator/components/com_vehiclemanager/admin.vehiclemanager.php
find row:
Code: |
$transmission[] = mosHtml::makeOption('manual', _VEHICLE_MANAGER_OPTION_MANUAL);
$transmission[] = mosHtml::makeOption('automatic', _VEHICLE_MANAGER_OPTION_AUTOMATIC);
and replace they to
Code: |
$transmission[] = mosHtml::makeOption('manual1', 'manual1');
$transmission[] = mosHtml::makeOption('manual2', 'manual2');
$transmission[] = mosHtml::makeOption('manual3', 'manual3');
If you have Pro version Vehicle manager, exactly so you need do for file:
{yours site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.php
If you use muly language support
You need use Text constant like _VEHICLE_MANAGER_OPTION_AUTOMATIC - from current file code.
So for every new type - you need create text constant - and add these constants to language files to folder:
{yours site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/language/
OrdaSof tteam