How can I add point and comma in the price of the vehicle?
How do I get this order? First R$ then the value of the vehicle.
You need go to file
{yours site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.html.php
find function "displayVehicle"
there are you will find row
Code: |
<strong><?php echo $vehicle->price, ' ', $vehicle->priceunit; ?></strong>
for replace order for currency and price value - replace tha tto code
Code: |
<strong><?php echo $vehicle->priceunit, ' ',$vehicle->price ; ?></strong>
for add point and comma, wil lneed create special function for $vehicle->price show.
How do I get the model to appear here?
for model you need in check below code in that function:
Code: |
and replace it to
Code: |
($vehicle->vmodel!==0 && trim($vehicle->vmodel)!=="" )
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