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Input fields character limit?

jbarkacs (User)
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Input fields character limit? 1 Year, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0  
So, I'm trying to work around being unable to change a dropdown to a text input. As you can see in the image I changed my labels and all looks good EXCEPT there seems to be a character limit on my length and width inputs (formerly City MPG and Highway MPG).

When I attempt to enter "27ft 11in" after saving it reads "27ft1". It only takes 5 characters. If I try to use 27' 11" it just ignores the quotation mark (" and reverts back to what was there before (27ft1) Same with the width field.

However, note the "Interior Height." It strips the (" on the backend but displays it on the front.

My preference is to use (' for feet and (" for inches in all inputs. How can I fix this?

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Last Edit: 2023/11/08 19:47 By jbarkacs.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Input fields character limit? 1 Year, 2 Months ago
Karma: 102  

Sorry, when a product is created, we try to make it as universal as possible and as well optimized as possible. Therefore, every time we have limitations. Either the product is simple and fast or universal. The same for OrdaSoft joomla cars

In your case - for these fields we use:
in the __vehiclemanager_vehicles table
`city_fuel_mpg` varchar(5) default '',
`highway_fuel_mpg` varchar(5) default '',

therefore, these fields have a 5 character limit. You can change this in the database.
Or use other fields to override

Things get even worse with quotas: single quota and double quota are used everywhere in HTML - so it's better if you write them as the words "inch" or something else...

Also if you need change other fields or layouts, May be better for you will check our Joomla CCK
But there better start from any our template(where you will see already created some data structure), as example from Joomla Blank template - so there you easy may change any fields any layouts - everything. And if there all will good for you we will can replace you Vehicle Pro version to CCK Pro version.

And, of cause, we will happy help to you with any questions

OrdaSoft Team
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