Hi, I have vehicle manager 2.2 pro and sh404sef on Joomla! 2.5.6 stable.
I have followed yours “how to install” in order to activate SEF URL with vehiclemanager
In the folder /components/com_realestatemanager create a subfolder sef_ext, like this: /components/com_realestatemanager/sef_ext
Now using FTP or similar, drop the file com_realestatemanager.php into that sef_ext directory
Next, in the sh404SEF control panel, go to the [By Component] tab
Set RealEstateManager to [Do not override]
Now you have very nice SEF URL's for RealEstateManager in the frontend.
(PS:does your text speak about realestate but but probably enough “to think” with vehiclemanager next to its place, ok?)
but I do not succeed to obtain SEF URL. All the other pages of the site are SEF URL, only vehiclemanager currently do not give the hoped result. Where mistake?
if I have understood this plugin does not have to be installed with extension manager, it's ok?