Hello, I bought com_vehiclemanger_pro I use it with mod_vehiclemanager_random and mod_vehiclemanager_top.
1 - On my site I use two templates, one for my home page without VM ==>(page1) and one other for my car ads with 2 modules VM_Top and VM_Random ==> (page2).
2 - My problem is when I click on the thumbnail of mod_vehiclemanager_Top it's the template for my homepage that appears (page1). Normally the detail of my ad to be displayed in the Content frame of current template (page 2).
3 - This problem occurs with just VM_Top.
4 - With the VM_Random it works well.
When I click on the thumbnail VM_TOP I want to stay on the current template and not the default template of joomla.
Thank you for helping me by giving a php code or other ..