Hi ordasoft admin
I saw your last mail and it is set to the danish word for price ->pris.
I the add new vehicle area it say like this: Pris 2357000 KR
But i the 9 front photos it say like this
Morelo Manor 82 L
Price: 2357000 KR
Hits: 7
I found in the html the following for the picture and text:
<div class="block_list_in">
<div class="block_list_img">
<a href="/OrdaSoft_Car_Template_Vehicle_Park_October_2012/Quick_Start_OrdaSoft_Car_Template_Vehicle_Park/index.php/component/vehiclemanager/?task=view_vehicle&id=19&catid=49&Itemid=">
<img src="/OrdaSoft_Car_Template_Vehicle_Park_October_2012/Quick_Start_OrdaSoft_Car_Template_Vehicle_Park/components/com_vehiclemanager/photos/DA0F0E40-E4F8-F63E-3EBF-F17DB2030976_morelo-manor-79-l-410x272.jpg" alt="Morelo Manor 82 L" height="50" />
<div class="block_list_model" colspan='2'>
<a href="
localhost/OrdaSoft_Car_Template_Vehicle_...mp;amp;Itemid=" target="_self"">Morelo Manor 82 L</a>
<div class="block_list_price">
<p id="top10_text"><i class="icon-tag"></i>Price: 2357000 KR</p>
<div class="block_list_hits">
<p><i class="icon-eye-open"></i>Hits: 7</p>
Does that help you in the rigt direction ?