05. Frontend Category View in MediaLibrary 3.5.x Shop

In this article we will look at the frontend Category View of MediaLibrary 3.5.x Shop.

Frontend Category View in MediaLibrary 3.5.x Shop

MediaLibrary - Frontend Category View
  • Pathway
    On the top you will see the Joomla pathway (breadcrumbs) reflecting where you are inside MediaLibrary. That part can also be used for easy navigation; the links are clickable (except for the current location).
  • Media
    Comes from the menu entry name you created for MediaLibrary Software.
  • Library Description
    The text "Our library with suggestions for Media for you to enjoy" can be found and changed to your liking inside the language files (/components/com_medialibrary/language/)
  • Media Image
    The image of the Media can be found in the directory /components/com_medialibrary/images/. The file is called Media.png and can be replaced with a different image if you like, just call it Media.png and upload in that directory.
  • Categories and Subcategories
    The categories created for your Media show here, together with the number of Media in them. If you have set [Show Subcategory] to YES in [Settings Frontend], then subcategories are also shown.
    Categories will only show up in the frontend if there are media inside it and those Media are published!

  • Category folder icon
    When [Custom Category images] is set to NO in [Settings Frontend] you will see these default folder icons in the categories. When you set that to YES, then each category will show the image here which you specify in the Category itself (through category edit in the backend). The optimum size for category images is 48x48px.
  • Suggest Media
    This button will show up if Show button [Suggest Media] is set to YES in [Settings Frontend]. It allows the user groups you specified in [Settings Frontend] to enter Media suggestions for inclusion in your library.
  • Add Media
    This button will show up if Show button [Add Media] is set to YES in [Settings Frontend]. It allows the user groups you specified in [Settings Frontend] for Add Media for inclusion in your library.
  • Search Media
    This is a link to the Search form for MediaLibrary
