07. Frontend Media Details Page in MediaLibrary 3.5.x Shop

This article shows the frontend Media Details page in MediaLibrary 3.5.x Shop and explains the entries.

Frontend Media Details Page in MediaLibrary 3.5.x Shop

MediaLibrary - Media Details page
  • Pathway
    On the top you will see the Joomla pathway (breadcrumbs) reflecting where you are inside MediaLibrary. That part can also be used for easy navigation; the links are clickable (except for the current location).
  • Media
    PHP 5 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro
  • Media Details
    This shows all Media details and the Media cover, retrieved from Amazon by ISBN/ASIN or entered manually in the Media Manager-> Edit Media in the backend.
  • Buy Now
    The [Buy Now] button shows up when you have enabled this option in Settings Frontend. You can decide there for which categories you want to show this button. You can select multiple categories by using CTRL + click in Settings Frontend. When enabled, the button shows an internal Joomla link, which when clicked changes to the Amazon (or to yours site internal page for VirtueMart) page for the Media, with your Amazon Associates affiliate ID in it. This protects the affiliate link from showing when hovering over the button. The affiliate link is also hidden from download managers. If you want, you can change the button by replacing the image file, called buy_now.png – for Amazon and buy_now_vm.png for VirtueMart. It can be found in the directory /components/com_medialibrary/images/amazon/.
  • Lent To
    This field will show who the Media is lent out to. Only if you have enabled Show Lend Status for the frontend of course. See screenshot below.
  • Lent from - until
    This field will show from when until when the Media is lent out. Only if you have enabled Show Lend Status for the frontend of course. See screenshot below.
  • Media Description
    This shows the Media description entered in the Media Manager -> Edit Media in the backend. This can either be retrieved from amazon.com automatically (only works reliably from amazon.com, for copyright reasons!) or entered manually. Once edited, please remember to set the Media's Fetch Information from: field to "On your own" in the backend. This will prevent further overwrites through Information Fetching. In the MediaLibrary Shop Media descriptions, the use of external plugins is allowed and provided for.
  • Lend Request
    This button will provide your users with the ability to submit lend requests for the Media listed in this detail page by pressing the [Lend Request] button. In Settings Frontend you can set the rights to determine who is allowed to submit Lend Requests for Media on your site. You can select multiple user groups in Settings Frontend by using CTRL + click. A screen print of the [Lend Request] form will be presented in a next article in this section.
  • Reviews
    The header for the Reviews section.
  • Add Review button
    This button provides your users with the ability to add a review or comment about the Media shown. Only if you have set the option Show Reviews in [Settings Frontend] of course, and only for the user groups which you have set to allow this option to. If also enabled for Guest users, then the form will be accompanied by a CAPTCHA screen as an anti-spam measure. In Settings Frontend you can select multiple user groups by selecting CTRL + click. A screen print of the [Add Review] form will be presented in a next article in this section.
